Some nice AT keyboards used with CC permission from Flickr user Rain Rabbit
Thanks for supporting Maine VRC.
Disability, assistive technology and rehabilitation news and information for professionals and those with disabilities.
Some nice AT keyboards used with CC permission from Flickr user Rain Rabbit
Thanks for supporting Maine VRC.
Posted by
Joshua Howe
5:37 PM
Labels: Assistive Technology, AT, keyboard
Thanks for supporting Maine VRC.
Posted by
Joshua Howe
10:22 AM
Labels: actors, disability, disabled, union
Well, as we enter 2009 our ranking is 20,971,845 according to
Is that bad? Well, according to a 2007 survey, there were 108,810,358 sites, while another site lists it at approximately 150 Million as of January 2008, and I'd suspect that's gone up significantly since then.
Google Analytics helps me monitor site traffic. Since adding analytics to Maine VRC in July, I have received some interesting information. From July we have a 61% bounce rate, average page views are 2.13, and average time on the site is 1 minute 47 seconds. The top referral site is Google, with Blogger coming in second.
This tells me that we're getting a few people that are coming regularly and checking out the content, while we have a larger portion of people who hit the site from a search engine or other source and either find the post they want immediately (good) but don't stay around and check out the archive or other posts (bad).
In 2008 we had some problems with the Blogger account which caused significant disruption in posts, and lasted nearly 4 months (from August through December). As challenging as this was, it also encouraged me to focus some energy on redesigning the site, some other projects and freelance work such as Techdirt and Associated Content.
For this New Year, I'm looking to deliver some more original content while still providing some links to quality content around the web. I'd like to improve my traffic, and more regular readers.
Thank you for supporting Maine VRC, and Happy New Year
Thanks for supporting Maine VRC.
Flickr photo used with Creative Commons permission from Redver
Posted by
Joshua Howe
4:06 PM
Labels: analytics, Happy New Year
Reporting on recently released census results, Medical News Today reports "About one in five U.S. residents - 19 percent - reported some level of disability in 2005, according to a U.S. Census Bureau report released today. These 54.4 million Americans are roughly equal to the combined total populations of California and Florida."
On the working front,
Nearly half (46 percent) of people age 21 to 64 with a disability were employed, compared with 84 percent of people in this age group without a disability. Among those with disabilities, 31 percent with severe disabilities and 75 percent with nonsevere disabilities were employed. People with difficulty hearing were more likely to be employed than those with difficulty seeing (59 percent compared with 41 percent)."
Thanks for supporting Maine VRC.
Posted by
Joshua Howe
2:33 PM
Labels: census, disability, disabled, employment, work